Monday, October 10, 2016
Dr. Erjola Piluri
Janar 2010 -Prill 2016 Doktorature ne Alergologji me teme: “Epidemiologjia e Dermatit Atopik ne femjet e moshes shkollore ne Tirane, dhe lidhja e tij me alergjite respiratore“
2005-2008- Specializimi ne Sherbimin e Alergologjise & Immunologjise Klinike, QSU “ Nene Tereza” Tirane
1997-2003 – Diplome “Mjeke e Pergjithshme” Universiteti i Tiranes, Fakulteti i Mjekesise
Eksperienca profesionale:
Prill 2011 – vazhdim Alergologe prane Spitalit Amerikan
2008-2010 – Pedagoge e jashtme prane Fakultetit te Mjeksise, Alergologji
2008-2010 – Alergologe; Sherbimi i Alergologjise, Qendra Spitalore Universitare “Nene Tereza” Tirane
2005-2008 – Specializimi ne Sherbimin e Alergologjise & Immunologjise Klinike, QSU “Nene Tereza” Tirane
2003-2005 – Mjek i pergjithshem ne Spitalin rajonal te Dibres
Kurs trajnimi “La clinica delle malattie infiammatorie immunomediate” Lecce, Itali,Dhjetor 2006
EAACI/GA2LEN “ Oxford Allergy School “, Oksford, Britani e Madhe, Gusht 2007
Kurs trajnimi “Spirometria”, Tirane, Janar 2007
Referime :
“Fixed drug eruption induced by Mefenamic acid”. Kongresi 27, EAACI, Qershor, 2008, Spanje
“Is aspirin the reason?” SERIN, Nentor 2008, Dubrovnik, Kroaci.
“Dimethoate, Steven-Johnson & asthma together in female greenhouse worker”. Kongresi 28, EAACI, Qershor 2009, Varshave, Poloni.
“Dermatiti atopik, diagnostifikimi i tij”. Konferenca me teme “Astma & Alergjia”. Qershor 2010. Tirane.
“Pyetje dhe pergjigje mbi Imunoterapine Specifike”. Konferenca: “Alergjia: Fenotipet e saj”. Dhjetor 2010, Tirane.
“Chronic urticaria and thyroid autoimmunity; is there a connection?” Kongresi 30, EAACI, Qershor, 2011, Stamboll, Turqi
“Time trends in prevalence & risks factors of atopic dermatitis in Albanian schoolchildren from 1995-2012”. Tetor, 2014, Shkup Maqedoni
“The map of allergic disorders in Albania and worldwide. A short report from Alb-ISAAC study”. IMCA, 2015, Tirane
“Aspirin-sensitive asthma aggravation after toothpaste use”. Asthma Allergy Immunol 2010; 8:189-192.
“Prevalence & Risk Factors for Atopic Dermatitis: A Cross-Sectional Study of 9,478 Albanian Schoolchildren”. AJMHS 2014; Vol. 45, No. 1: 29-37.
“Albanian – International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ALB-ISAAC): Rationale and methods”. Albanian Medical Journal, 2014; 3; 104-110.
“Një veshtrim i përgjithshëm mbi specifikat e raportit Epidemiologji-Dermatiti Atopik”. Medicus; 61; Vol.19 (3) 2014.
“The association between Flexural Eczema, rhinitis, asthma and Atopic sensitization in Albanian schoolchildren” Clinical Translation Allergy; 2015, Volume 5
“Atopic dermatitis; to use or not to use the corticosteroids; mother’s dilemma”. Clinical Translation Allergy, 2015, Volume 5